Site preparation works will commence in late March 2019 and will include the completion of heritage and environmental clearance, vegetation clearing, clean up of dumped waste and rubbish, construction of an access track and access track maintenance.
Stage one works will commence in early 2020 and site preparation will include:
– Construction of a 0.7 kilometre road to the site, off Williamtown Drive
– Construction of two roundabouts
– Provision of services and utilities to the site, including a transformer and electricity infrastructure, water and sewer infrastructure and water management facilities
– Associated road paving
– Current plans allow for the diversion of stormwater runoff from development to the east, toward Nelson Bay Road drainage, away from the rear of rural properties fronting Cabbage Tree Road
– Fill material and placement for four development areas ready for building within the Astra Aerolab precinct comprising 7.4 hectares (Stage 1)
Stage one is due to be completed in late 2020.